Finding Pasha Cat Rescue

We Help Connect You With A Loving Cat

Thank you for opening your heart to a cat or kitten in need of a forever home! Our adoptable cats each have their own story and all live in loving foster homes until they are adopted.

Want To Adopt?

You can apply to adopt a cat using our online form, or you can download an application.


How Your Donation Helps

When you give to Finding Pasha you’ll be helping protect and improve cats’ lives!

We’re proud that 87 cents of every dollar you donate goes directly to saving cats.

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Need More Help for Your Cat?

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to some frequently asked questions about community or feral cats, Trap-Neuter

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Rehome Your Cat

Rehoming your cat should be easy and stress-free both for you and your cat. Our experts have created a simple, reliable, free program to help you place your pet from your loving home directly to another.

Contact Us

Donate to our cat rescue, Change A Life

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Finding Pasha Anti-Cruelty

Finding Pasha stands against all acts of cruelty to all cats. We believe that every animal owned or unowned deserves to be protected and safe from human cruelty. We advocate for strict enforcement of existing animal cruelty laws and support stronger animal cruelty laws across the country. We seek justice for cats who have been threatened, harmed, or killed.

We recognize the proven relationship between violence toward animals and violence toward people. We encourage others to speak up against all acts of animal cruelty and to support stronger laws and enforcement.

All 50 states and the District of Columbia have enacted laws criminalizing acts of cruelty toward animals and include felony animal cruelty offenses. Anti-cruelty laws must protect every cat regardless of whether the cat is a pet, a stray, unowned, or a community cat (also known as a feral cat). Animal cruelty offenders are a threat to the health and safety of all members of our communities.

Research has shown a clear relationship also known as “the link” between violence toward animals and violence toward people. Cruelty to animals is unacceptable and cannot be ignored for the sake of the animals and our fellow man. We must demand that every instance of animal cruelty is investigated and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.