Finding Pasha Cat Rescue

Looking To JOIN Our TEAM?


Thank you so much for volunteering for and considering joining our non-profit organization.

Volunteers are a crucial part of our organization and we much appreciate their time and effort. While we always appreciate extra help from the community, we do have one request to make to keep our nonprofit afloat and growing.

Volunteers are always welcome, but we ask that you bring something useful to the table. Our nonprofit would really appreciate it if you could share a special talent, set of abilities, or body of knowledge with us. We can expand our reach and improve the quality of our programs with the help of volunteers who have special skills.

We could really benefit from your expertise in fundraising, social media marketing, being a master photographer, organizing events, or anything else that would help us expand. We are firm believers in the benefits of teamwork and the accomplishment of a common goal. We can help more pets in need and their owners if we have a more representative group of volunteers.

Please contact our volunteer coordinator if you have any questions or are unclear of how you may help. They will be pleased to talk about openings that fit your preferences, experience, and the goals of our organization’s charitable arm.

Again, we appreciate your consideration of our charitable organization. Your selflessness and determination to make a change are inspiring.

We are excited to have you join our group and look forward to working with you to rescue animals in need.

Join Us

Join Our Family. And Work with the Best.

Let's Talk About Your Passion.