Finding Pasha Cat Rescue


"Our work is most rewarding when we’re able to adopt a cat or a kitten into a loving home. Rescue workers at shelters and other humane organizations like ours all over the world will agree!"

Finding Pasha is a volunteer-run non-profit organization with the goal of finding abandoned or stray cats and kittens new, loving homes. We save cats and kittens from the streets and overcrowded shelters of Miami-Dade and Broward Counties.

The non-profit foundation was named after Maritza’s cat, PASHA. That’s why we established this wonderful and necessary organization.

Pasha was always destined to be the love of Maritza’s life from the moment she stepped foot into our lives. Maritza gave Pasha free reign of the garden each and every day. If she wandered off into the backyard, Maritza would just call her name and she’d come coming back, bouncing happily into her arms.

One day, as we were having the backyard pruned, Maritza would passionately let Pasha out for an hour or so. Unfortunately, the only way to truly internalize this important lesson is through painful experience. Perhaps Pasha had not recognized her pruned backyard.

Maritza was known to go door-to-door twice a day, rain or shine. Despite having several doors closed in her face, she persisted. Maritza’s best efforts (including the use of local social media and the production and placement of  large banners), Pasha was never found.

Even with Maritza’s enormous zeal and dogged  determination, she was unable to track down Pasha despite numerous leads. During this period, Maritza met Servia, who later helped spread the rumor that PASHA had disappeared. By taking Maritza on a tour of several cat colonies’ feeding areas, Servia gave her the confidence to start looking for Pasha among them. The next day, Maritza headed out to investigate these settlements in order to locate her lost PASHA. Servia opened her eye, letting Maritza join in on the daily feedings.

Maritza fell into a profound depression after several months passed with no news of Pasha, and she only managed to pull herself out with the help of the good people in her life. Instead, Maritza witnessed a massive flood of homeless, hungry cats. When Maritza couldn’t find her lost Pasha, she made the quick choice to keep feeding the strays and to this day, Finding Pasha has approx 8 volunteers.

Feelings evolved into a firm determination to help these strays cats. By the end, she had a far deeper understanding of feline psychology. Not long later, Maritza connected with another lady (Virginia) who instructed us on how to care for these strays. Every day, our contemporary Maritza performs the rituals of feeding and trapping the cats. The recommended veterinarians were visited by her with the animals.

Maritza was briefed on the process of microchipping cats; the chips are used to track down owners in the event of a rescue. None of them had microchips, not even Pasha. All of the cats that Maritza and Servia have rescued as a team are now legally Maritza’s. If a sick cat is discovered, it will be nursed back to health and microchipped as soon as possible. If at all possible, the cat should be given the best possible individual and medical care, regardless of cost. It is concerning that the expense of veterinary treatment for rescued animals continues to rise, despite our solid relationships with local veterinarians who provide discounted prices for their services in exchange for their aid.

This led to the establishment of a charitable organization that would lobby for public donations. Help defray the costs of cat rescue efforts like TNVR with your donation. (Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return)

Volunteers at Finding Pasha have saved countless cats and kittens, many of which have been adopted by grateful families. Since our founding, we have successfully rescued a large number of cats and placed them in loving, permanent homes.

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